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Rainbow Friends: Horror Playground

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4.6 (7 vote)

It is a new survival story that will be surely appreciated by all fans of horror games. This time, you will confront several opponents at once, and all of them are bloodthirsty monsters! You may have already met these creatures in the Roblox universe. These are rainbow friends! All these weird creatures are of a different color and come with unique abilities. It is going to be an epic confrontation, and not all players will have enough skills to outperform this bunch of treacherous enemies! Are you intrigued to test it?

Make sure you find all toys!

Every time you will have a particular task to complete the level. You need to collect several toys across the location. It will be a risky adventure as you do not know where the enemy is waiting for you. Furthermore, each of rainbow friends has its own trick that will allow them to capture you. So you will have to be ready for an attack at any moment. Only the smartest players will succeed and outperform all the monsters!

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