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Five Nights at Freddy’s 4

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This pizza place is a popular family hangout in the city. Adults are crazy about the pizza, and kids are fascinated with the clockwork toys that sing and dance while the family enjoy their dinner. And looking at the cute golden-fur teddy bear named Freddy, you can never even suspect him to be of any kind of danger. However, the night guard Mike working at the pizzeria after it shuts down and the darkness falls knows all too well how deceitful appearances can be!

Another horror adventure in the creepy pizza house!

Playing as Mike, you have to watch the animatronics through your security cameras because every night they come alive! And roam the building looking for someone to kill. If you’re not careful enough, chances are high you’ll end up as their next victim! So make sure none of the evil toys gets to you. Monitor their trajectories, control electric doors, turn the lights in the halls on and off – they are afraid of light. And beware of Freddy who is the most dangerous of all!

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