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The House Of Evil Granny

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What kind of a house is this? How did you get here? You wake up in an unknown place, lying in a bed upstairs. Your head hurts – you probably fell or got hit with something heavy. The note on the table tells you that there are just five days for you to get out. What does this all mean?.. Play The House of Evil Granny and find out!

Can you escape the horror house in five days?

You’ll start by looking for the key that will unlock the door of the bedroom. During this process you will find out that any noise you make attracts the attention of Granny – the villain of the game who wants to kill you. She will appear at the threshold swaying her blood-stained baseball bate and knock you unconscious. Every time that happens will count as one of the five attempts, so try to be as careful as you can! Explore the house, look into every nook and cranny, find all the objects you need to make an escape and beware of Granny who always keeps her ears sharp!

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