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Nox Timore

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If you are a fan of horror stories and adventures, you have definitely met a lot of monsters in your gaming experience. But this time, you will meet a really special opponent, the one whose only appearance makes your blood freeze in your veins. Are you brave enough to confront him? We bet you will now learn what a real fear is! So let’s give it a try and test your survival skills. It is going to be an unbelievable adventure!

Meet terrible wooden doll!

You will find yourself in a terrible maze where you need to find several objects to find a way out of this terrible location. However, you do not know yet what a monster is going to meet you on your way. It is a wooden doll who wants to possess your soul! The antagonist is merciless and determined to catch you at any cost. So you need to invent a way to avoid his attacks and remain alive. Only the bravest games will be able to overcome his fear and successfully leave the deadly maze! Check it now if you belong to their company!

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